
And the LORD answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay. – Habakkuk 2:2-3 ESV

I can’t see. Well, that’s not completely true. I can see, but not always clearly without my corrective lenses. Because I wear glasses, my doctor recommends that I get my eyes checked once a year, and if my vision gets worse, the prescription in my glasses is changed to help improve my sight. In this same way, as we move throughout the year, our life vision changes as well. The relationship that we thought was going to last, the job we once loved, or the health that we once enjoyed may become a little blurrier by the end of the year.

Fixing our vision is important because without vision, we can’t see where we are going. And in life, there is no worse feeling than thinking we are living aimlessly, without a purpose or direction. God speaks to us in visions (Amos 3:7, Acts 18:9), and how we decipher these visions determines if it remains a vision or becomes a reality. To fix your vision, you are going to have to align it with God’s purpose, develop an action plan, and trust God through the process.

God knows the plans He has for us (Jeremiah 29:11). Therefore, the things (relationships, jobs, homes, etc.) we envision for ourselves must be in alignment with God’s plans for us. If not, we will find ourselves living a frustrated, unfulfilled existence. You’ll know if your vision is aligned with God’s purpose because it will bring you closer to Him. Alignment begins in relationship with God – that means prayer, seeking Him, and living in a way that honors Him.

At the beginning of each year, it is common for individuals to create vision boards that highlight the things they are manifesting for their life. However, a vision board without an action plan is just an arts and craft project. Essentially, your vision must be joined by action. If you envision yourself being healthier, then plan to implement actions and behaviors that focus on dieting and exercising. If you envision yourself being a homeowner, plan actions that will help you to save and budget your money. If you envision yourself being a happier, more joyful person, plan actions around doing the things that bring you the most joy. Every vision must have an action. 

As you align your vision with God’s purpose and create your actions, be patient. Everything does not happen on the timeline that we wish or hope for. Scripture tells us that the “vision awaits its appointed time”. That means that God knows when, so do not be discouraged if you do not receive what you have envisioned for yourself in the timeframe that you anticipated. Patience requires trust. To receive those things that God has put on your heart and mind, you are going to have to trust Him, even when it seems delayed.

God loves you, wants the best for, and wants you to be happy. Fix your vision by aligning your wants with God’s purpose, plan your actions, and remain patient. Doing so will give you a clearer vision of the prosperous future that God has for you.

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